Make a switch to our FDA approved compostable bamboo toothbrush today! The handle being made of out of bamboo is compostable eliminating large amounts of waste from our landfills. Pair this with our natural toothpaste and you’ve begun transitioning to a zero-waste dental kit!

1. Biodegradable bamboo handle
2. BPA free Nylon bristles
3. Water repellent and anti-fungal coating

P.S. Over 4.7 billion plastic toothbrushes are produced every year worldwide! Each of us will use 300 toothbrushes during our lifetime. Over 99% of which are made up of plastic and will end up in our landfills, and oceans.

Shelf life: Similar to your conventional plastic toothbrush, but more sustainable and kinder to our planet!


Apply toothpaste like you normally would, and brush away.
Once done, wipe down the handle of the bamboo toothbrush and let it dry.
Once your toothbrush has reached the end of its life, pluck the bristles out and compost the bamboo handle! As of now, a solution for this doesn’t exist in the Indian market while still ensuring zero waste packaging.
We are doing immense research on this to bring you a fully compostable bamboo toothbrush.
With that said, by investing in our toothbrush, you are eliminating majority of the plastic waste that ends up in our landfills, from the handle, to the bristles, to the grips, to the colours! If this isn’t the time for innovation, when is?!

Shipping Policies

Rs.1 – Rs 5000/- Shipping Charges Applicable: Rs. 500/-
Rs. 5000 And Above Free Shipping

$1 – $200/- Shipping Charges Applicable: Based On Weight
1g-1000g : Shipping Charges $37
1001g- 2000g : Shipping Charges $72
2001g-3000g : Shipping Charges $108
$200 And Above Order Free Shipping

$1 – $230/- Shipping Charges Applicable: Based On Weight
1g-1000g : Shipping Charges $60
1001g- 2000g : Shipping Charges $120
2001g-3000g : Shipping Charges $180
$230 And Above Order Free Shipping

  Estimated Delivery  Aug 03 Aug 06

Sepia Stories embraces an ethos that goes beyond just providing products; it embodies a commitment to preserving traditions and supporting artisans. The emphasis on handcrafted dental care products not only guarantees superior quality but also serves as a testament to the rich cultural heritage behind each item. By choosing Sepia Stories, consumers become patrons of craftsmanship, contributing to the sustainability of age-old techniques and ensuring their legacy for future generations.

Furthermore, each purchase from Sepia Stories contributes to the narrative of preservation and support for artisanal communities. This model of ethical practices in fashion echoes a growing demand for transparency and accountability in the industry. By intertwining artisanship with sustainability, Sepia Stories captivates consumers with unique pieces that carry stories of heritage and authenticity, transcending mere material value into meaningful connections with the past while shaping a more sustainable future for fashion and lifestyle choices alike.